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Kiss Me Quick! aka Dr. Breedlove



Kiss Me Quick! is a 1964 American sci-fi horror nudie cutie movie directed by Peter Perry (as Seymour Tuchus) and produced by Harry Novak. The film was originally titled Dr Breedlove or Dr Breedlove or How I Stopped Worrying and Love to exploit the title of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove. It was retitled to exploit Billy Wilder’s Kiss Me, Stupid. The highlight of the movie involves a dance number in which three of Breedlove’s captive women gyrate to garage rock.


Hungarian-born cinematographer László Kovács worked on The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies the same year but eventually shot such notable productions as Easy Rider and New York, New York. His genre work includes Ghostbusters.


Plot teaser:

Sterilox, an alien from the “Buttless” galaxy being sent to Earth in order to find the perfect woman who will be used to create a race of servants. Sterilox (who sounds like Stan Laurel) is teleported into the lab of a mad scientist by the name of Dr. Breedlove, who offers Sterilox a number of beautiful women to choose from. He’s also introduced to Frankie Stein, Dracula and a strange Mummy…



‘ … as a monument to the moment when filmmakers found the chutzpah to challenge the wildly unconstitutional claims that kept movies in the decency Dark Ages for several decades, Harry Novak’s horror hi-jinx were instrumental in paving the way for greater cinematic openness. In essence, he moved nudity out of the camp and into the realm of ordinary comedy. As entertaining as Kiss Me Quick remains, its industry significance cannot be understated. Indeed, it was monsters that helped make nakedness a non-issue for the grindhouse gang.’ Bill Gibron, Pop Matters


‘ … there is no denying the high amount of entertainment value present. The surf punk garage band instrumental music, for one thing, is first rate … All of the women are luscious, in their bouffants and spit curls, breasts thankfully free of major surgical enhancement and liberated to move like they have a mind of their own. And while the overall acting is from the “borrow someone else’s shtick” school of mimicry (Dr. Breedlove sounds like a thick tongued Bela Lugosi), you can tell the cast is having a wonderful time. This is a non-politically correct monster mash celebration of women as full blown sexual objects, a jeer at the tameness of the times and a leering look and lampooning of lust.’ DVD Verdict


Buy with House on Bare Mountain on DVD from Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com

Kiss Me Quick! (1964)009

Choice dialogue:

Skull: “Gee whizz? Bring back the broads.”

Dr. Breedlove: “I show you Lady Godiva and you ask me does the horse plays the piano. Who cares?”

kiss me quick-house on bare mountain dvd2

kiss me quick press book

kiss me quick poster

kiss me quick ad mat


Wikipedia | IMDb | Image thanks: Critical Condition | Related: Harry Novak | House on Bare Mountain

Mega Shark vs. Kolossus



Mega Shark vs. Kolossus is a 2015 action sci-fi horror movie directed by Christopher Ray (Reptisaurus; MegacondaMega Shark vs. Crocosaurus) from a screenplay by Micho Rutare for The Asylum. It stars Ileana Douglas, Brody Hutzler, Clare Grant, Alison Haislip, Amy Rider, Milynn Sarley, Ernest Thomas, Rileah Vanderbilt.


Plot teaser:

In search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus – a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a new Mega Shark appears, threatening global security…



The film is being unleashed on 7th June 2015.

IMDb | Image thanks: Dread Central

Sharksploitation on Horrorpedia: 2-Headed Shark Attack | Atomic SharkAvalanche Sharks | Cruel Jaws | Ghost Shark | Ghost Shark 2: Urban JawsGreat White | Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy aka SharkManJaws | Jaws 2 | Jersey Shore Shark Attack | Jurassic Shark | Malibu Shark Attack | Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus | Mega Shark vs. Giant OctopusMega Shark vs. Kolossus Piranha Sharks | Psycho Shark | Raiders of the Lost SharkSand Sharks | Shark Attack 3: Megalodon | Shark ExorcistThe Shark is Still Working | Shark LakeShark Week | Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre | Sharknado | Sharknado 2: The Second OneSharknado 3: Oh Hell No! | Sharktopus | Sharktopus vs. MermantulaSharktopus vs. Pteracuda | Sky SharksSnow Shark | Super Shark | Swamp Shark | Zombie Shark

Unmasked: Part 25 aka The Hand of Death



‘It’s a cold, cruel world – but Jackson can hack it!’

Unmasked: Part 25 – aka The Hand of Death and Jackson’s Back – is a 1988 British comedy horror film directed by Anders Palm (Deadline; Murder Blues) from a screenplay by Mark Cutforth.

The film stars Gregory Cox, Fiona Evans, Edward Brayshaw, Debbie Lee London, Kim Fenton, Anna Conrich, Robin Welch, Christian Brando, Annabel Yuresha, Adrian Hough, Helen Rochelle.

UnMasked Pic


Mark Cutforth’s script alternates between breathtakingly banal, insulting to women, or pompously affected, whilst Anders Palm’s direction is perfunctory at best. Unmasked: Part 25 is another British failed attempt at spoofing horror tropes in the vein of The Comic, Funny Man and (much later) Stitches. The supposedly ‘outrageous’ mockery of S&M and sex play toys is just obvious and dull. “Punish me!” Yes, this excuse for a film certainly did.

Adrian J Smith, Horrorpedia

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Unmasked: Part 25 satisfies the requirements of a standard slasher film, offering up enough gore and nudity to please any fan of the genre, while adding a smirking, character-driven sense of humor that would seem to make to make it ideal for rediscovery for modern audiences. It’s got all of the charms of the ‘80s slasher era with a unique (and, despite what one would expect, consistent) tone, solid performances and genuinely clever ideas.’ Daily Grindhouse

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‘There are strong hints this is actually Jason from the Friday the 13th movies, except here he’s been given a voice, just skirting close enough to parody to get away with the references, and it appears Jackson would rather be quoting Byron than going about his executions, but the lure of the machete proves too much to resist. This leads to ridiculous scenes where he’ll discuss his existential angst with the victims before doing them in, amusing enough, but the serious bits did suggest a lack of focus.’ Graeme Clark, The Spinning Image

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‘A criminally obscure send-up of 80s slashers that remarkably marries sincere romantic sentiment with copious amounts of outrageous splatter without ever letting its parodic conceit wear thin, thanks in large part to the exceedingly earnestness of the production. Director Anders Palm soaks Mark Cutforth’s witty script in a pervasively gritty atmosphere that stands in stark contrast to the immediate silliness of the premise.’ The Royal



Choice dialogue:

“Turning into one of Thatcher’s little mechanicals, you are.”

“Please don’t kill me, I’ll do anything you want. I’ll make love to you, would you like that? I’ll give you a blow job.”


Crash! (1977)



Crash! is a 1977 film produced and directed by Charles Band (Parasite; Evil Bong 420Ooga Booga) from a screenplay by Marc Marais (House of the Living Dead).

The film stars José Ferrer (Blood and RosesZoltan… Hound of Dracula; Bloody Birthday), Sue Lyon (The Astral Factor; End of the World; Alligator), John Ericson, Leslie Parrish (The Giant Spider Invasion; The Astral Factor), John Carradine, Jerome Guardino (Octaman; Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo; Victims), John Hayes (director of Dream No Evil, Garden of the Dead, Grave of the Vampire) and Reggie Nalder. The funky score is by Andrew Belling (The Killing KindZoltan… Hound of Dracula).


Plot teaser:

A jealous invalid husband (Ferrer) tries to kill his attractive younger blonde wife (Lyon), but she uses occult powers to take her revenge…


‘ … even for all its faults, whether they be of the rough-around-the-edges variety or of the what-where-they-thinking variety, Crash! is so kooky it’s hard dismiss it outright. This is a bizarre cinematic curiosity worth tracking down if you’re a fan of truly oddball cinema.’ Dread Central


Crash! is a fun B-movie with lots of great explosions and slow-mo car crashes. The added supernatural elements were interesting and unexpected, adding another layer of fun on top of the car action. The acting was pretty good from the cast, with José Ferrer standing out as the invalid husband and Sue Lyon holding her own as the hero/victim … It’s definitely got a low-budget 70s vibe to it, so if that’s a turn-off, be warned.’ Silver Emulsion Film Reviews


‘This film is profoundly weird, although I’m not sure how much of that weirdness was intended. With its somnambulant acting, jumbled narrative and cheapjack filmmaking, the whole thing has a strangely disconnected, almost dreamlike air that was evidently due to ineptitude on the part of Charles Band … The copious car chases and crashes appear to be the film’s primary reason for being, yet they’re quite clumsily filmed and edited.’ Fright.com





Choice dialogue:

“Her eyes were like living fire”

Related: The Car | ChristineDuel | KilldozerMaximum Overdrive

Slaughter High



‘Where the student body is going to pieces.’

Slaughter High is a 1986 American/British independent slasher film written and directed by George Dugdale, Mark Ezra and Peter Litten. It closely follows the tropes of many other slasher films of the period and is mostly notable for the casting of Caroline Munro in the lead female role and the distinctive jester’s mask worn by the killer.

slaughterhigh2 In an American high school populated by the usual jocks, hot girls and outcasts, Marty Rantzen (Simon Scudamore, misspelled on the credits with an extra ‘d’ – sloppy!) is most firmly the latter, the atypical, bespectacled nerd, good at complicated sums, not so good on basic human interaction. Come April Fool’s Day, Marty can’t believe his luck as he is lured by school sex siren, Carol (Munro) into the girls’ locker room for a baptism of shower-based sex. Alas, this is not the case and whilst disrobed and expectant in the shower, the curtain is pulled to reveal the school jokers armed with video recording equipment and a fire extinguisher to put a dampener on Marty’s dreams and his dignity down the toilet (which is literally where he’s heading, face down, thanks to his tormentors dangling him in).

slaughterhigh17 He is ‘rescued’ by the arrival of the military instructor-like sports coach (played by Marc Smith, best known for his voice acting, of note his redubbing on Dario Argento’s Four Flies on Grey Velvet, and Deep Red) who does little to sympathise with Marty but does insist all the boys responsible report for detention that afternoon. Cleaned up, Marty is given a joint by arch bully Skip (Carmine Iannaccone) as an apology, though it is in fact laced with something less desirable. Sometime later, when Marty is diligently conducting solo chemistry experiments, he tries the joint and immediately rushes to the nearest public convenience to vomit. In his absence, Skip (even shirking detention, the rotter) enters the lab and rigs the experiment to blow up in Marty’s face. This does indeed have the desired effect but in the mayhem of the detonation, Marty knocks a jar of acid over himself, the net result being a half destroyed school and a hideously disfigured and broken nerd.

slaughterhigh13 Some years later (anywhere between five and ten), Marty has disappeared from public life, doomed to a lonely existence as a scarred, damaged and apparently insane man. Meanwhile, his school ‘friends’ are enjoying their reunion, which happens to be on April Fool’s Day. Deciding to revisit their now closed school, though the corridors are still roamed by the old janitor, whose portrayal sets the racial equality movement back several decades. As the kids get down to drinking, smoking, snorting high jinks, the janitor is lifted off the ground by a jester-masked figure (actually played by co-director Ezra) and impaled on a coat hook. So begins a one-by-one slaying of the gang in occasionally inventive ways (intestinal explosion by tampered-with beer is a highlight) in a school which for reasons which are unclear, houses both a bath and a bed. The jester figure is, of course, Marty, eager to exact his revenge, though he leaves his beloved Carol until the end…

slaughterhigh11 Slaughter High is a prime example of the problems which can arise from trans-Atlantic co-productions. Supposedly set in an American school, all the locations are obviousluy leafy Britain, the population of students and staff also British but tasked with adopting US accents, lest the idea of a film not set in America be an insult to the masses. The accents aren’t awful but are all underpinned by the hopelessly forced insistence that in no way is the wool being pulled over everyone’s eyes. Despite the fact that an actual school was used for the filming (remarkably, it did indeed have a bath in situ), the film feels very cramped and is largely shot in only a smattering of locations, again giving the impression that something is being kept from us.

slaughterhigh8 The April Fool’s Day setting does leave the audience with that ‘one last gag’ feeling always looming on the horizon, though this could have been even more lumbering, the title having to be changed from April Fool’s Day to Slaughter High due to a genuinely unfortunate timing issue with the better-known film of that title just pipping it to the release post. Some prints retain this original title and have the replacement hastily tagged on as an apparent afterthought – Vestron’s Japanese release not even bothering with the afterthought. There is a certain irony of the film revolving around a date that so fuels the plot, time and continuity being haphazard throughout, from the eye-narrowing anniversary reunion timing to the incredulity-testing age of the students – Caroline Munro clocking in at 36 years-old at the time of filming and many of her co-stars well into their 20’s at least.

slaughterhigh21 Dugdale and Ezra combined again on the curious if ultimately beige Living Doll (1990) with only the latter evidently staying in the industry, though with little in the way of breakout hits. Co-director Litten had slightly more lasting influence, his special effects creature work seen in Rawhead Rex and more significantly culturally as the co-creator of the non-more-80’s Max Headroom. Caroline Munro is sadly miscast, still radiant but a sore thumb as a school girl and barely more believable as an airhead actress who is just about savvy enough to avoid the casting couch of leering movie producer, Manny (played by actual film producer Dick Randall of Don’t Open Till Christmas and Pieces frame; never one to miss a trick, a poster for Pieces hangs behind him in his office). Munro appeared in the film off the back of The Last Horror Show, before 1987’s Faceless and Howl of the Devil signalled her all but withdrawal from the genre for some time.

slaughterhigh4 Scudamore is far more serviceable in his role, a believable nerd whose character is let down by innate dumbness, belying his academic genius. Given a large school as his lair, it is weakly and unrealistically dressed, leaving him to bookend the film as Ezra, rather meanly, does the jester-masked stomping around. Sadly, aged only 28, Scudamore took his own life shortly after filming through a drugs overdose.

slaughterhigh18 With a masked killer, illegal substances, lithe teens and variable morals, it is fitting that the score is composed and performed by Harry Manfredini, a huge nod to the film’s primary influence, Friday 13th. Manfredini is one of the luckiest of composers for horror films, his career largely pivoting on his work on the 1980 slasher classic, a score which, in truth, consists of piled-high stingers, pilfered exaggerated strings and the oft-repeated killer’s theme and little else of interest. Here he is rumbled somewhat, a clearly more meagre budget revealing his work to be perfunctory at best, at worst cringe-worthy tripe.

slaughterhigh5 Somehow, despite all this, Slaughter High is strangely rewarding viewing. Perhaps it’s the carefree, glitch-ridden production values; perhaps it’s the contact threat of Munro relieving herself of her flouncy, voluminous dress suit (she doesn’t, instead the main nudity is, surprisingly, male and full-frontal). It’s possibly the fact that it sticks to the slasher rulebook so rigidly, the viewer can put in the least effort imaginable to watch… although the ending will jolt even the most heavy-lidded audience out of its slumber with its ridiculousness.

Daz Lawrence, Horrorpedia

Choice dialogue:

Stella: Talk dirty, Frank! Talk dirty!

Frank: Um… tits.

Stella: DIRTY dirty!

Frank: Um… fuck. Ah, tits. Screw.











Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery



Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery is the twenty-fourth film in the direct-to-video series of Scooby-Doo films. It was produced and directed by Tony Cervone and written by Kevin Shinick.

The animated film will be released digitally on July 10, 2015 and on DVD and Blu-ray on July 21, 2015.

Official synopsis:

‘Get ready to rock! Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang team up with the one and only KISS in this all-new, out-of-this-world adventure! We join the gang at KISS World – the all-things-KISS theme park – as they investigate a series of strange hauntings. With help from KISS, they discover that the Crimson Witch has returned to summon The Destroyer from the alternate dimension of KISSteria! The evil duo’s ghastly plan: to destroy the Earth! Can the gang’s cunning and KISS’ power of rock save the day?! Tune in to this rock-and-roll mystery for some thunderous, heavy FUN!’


Wikipedia | Related: KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park

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Scooby-Doo! on Horrorpedia:

Scooby Doo: The Early Years – article

The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo – animated TV series

Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Chill Out, Scooby-Doo!


Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo

Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King

Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster

Scooby-Doo! and the Witch’s Ghost

Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare

Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster

Scooby-Doo! Glow in the Dark Puzzles – toys and games

Scooby-Doo! Music of the Vampire

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated – animated TV series

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

What’s New, Scooby-Doo?

Bloodmarsh Krackoon



‘No one dumps on The Bronx… and lives’

Bloodmarsh Krackoon is a 2014 American comedy horror film written and directed by Jerry Landi. It is a sequel to Landi’s 2010 movie Krackoon.

The film stars Sal Amore, Scott Barile, Anthony Bisciello, Bob Connelly, Joseph Ferri, Cindy Guyer, Alfonzo Hollis, Gina Di Salvatore Longarzo, Robert Lil Bob McCall, Rosario Russo, Martin Vanihel.

Plot teaser:

It is one day after the events of Krackoon, in which Redeye, a crack-addicted mutant raccoon, administered righteous revenge to crooked Bronx politicians and the abusive parents of his only human friend, Tommy Caputo (Joseph Ferri).

On the night of the murders, two workers from Balzone Industries (Anthony Landi, Joe Brynne) illegally dump toxic waste in the Locust Point marshlands and stumble upon the massacre inflicted by Redeye and Tommy. They escape the marsh and two baby raccoons ingest the waste, which causes them to mutate.

The next day, police chief Patton (Bob Connelly) and deputy mayor Peter Rabbit (Sal Amore) visit the scene of the murders and are shocked to discover that mayor Karl Denham was among the victims. Rabbit is the only person alive besides Tommy who knows that Redeye is behind the mayhem…


“Landi definitely develops a lot in terms of cutting out the slow bits, offering up more of a story, and developing some of the characters in the sequel. There are also a lot better effects in the sequel, with a full body transformation into a man-sized raccoon towards the end and CG raccoons incorporated which are practically animated, but a lot of fun.” Ain’t It Cool News


“The plot itself is the only redeeming factor of this entire mess. My heart goes out to those that were coerced to be involved in a project that will most likely be discarded to the depths of YouTube, someday to be unearthed by a youthful stoner and then quickly fizzle away, like the last of my brain cells as the credits rolled on this film. I literally recommend any other film in the history of cinema to cleanse your pallet of Bloodmarsh Krackoon.” Jersey John, Horror Talk

“The effects include practical and CGI blood, which is a nice break from all-CGI flicks. The practical stuff goes from the totally goofy (Red-eye the krackoon often appears to be nothing but a puppet on a stick) to the slightly above average (some of the post-attack gore is pretty good, though not great). Fans of throwback creature features will appreciate seeing the practical gore. The CGI stuff looks pretty terrible, but that’s to be expected, and actually adds to the cheesy vibe that Landi is obviously going for.” Gordon Sullivan, DVD Verdict

IMDb | Facebook

Biohazard (1985)



‘Science gone very, very bad’

Biohazard is a 1984 American science fiction horror film produced, written and directed by Fred Olen Ray (Scalps; Evil ToonsSuper Shark), with additional dialogue by T.L. Lankford and Miriam L. Preissel.

The film stars Aldo Ray (Bog; Don’t Go Near the Park; Star Slammer/Prisoner Ship), Angelique Pettyjohn (Mad Doctor of Blood Island), William Fair, David O’Hara, Frank McDonald, Art Payton, Charles Roth, Carroll Borland (Mark of the Vampire), Richard Hench, Loren Crabtree. The monster was Fred’s own son and Donald G. Jackson (director of The Demon Lover and Hell Comes to Frogtown) plays a medic



Biohazard is pretty obvious in its badness. Yes, it’s sometimes very funny, but all of its big moments feel trite, recycled from every movie you’ve ever seen on Mystery Science Theater. I know it seems ridiculous to complain about unoriginal flaws, but when you watch a lot of this kind of stuff, a bad line reading or shitty creature effect just doesn’t cut it anymore.” Tim May VHShitfest



“The plotline is merely an excuse to move the movie along to the next scene of transients having a barbeque, Congressmen getting flummoxed, and bimbos taking baths. We get everything we could possibly ask for in a made-on-the-cheap creature feature with one eye on the gore and two hands on the titties.


There are buckets of blood, a couple of really gratuitous boob shots, and a passing reference to one character’s war atrocities in Vietnam.” Bill Gibron, DVD Verdict


“Awful monster movie, poorly executed by writer-producer-director Fred Olen Ray, who during the closing credits resorts to amusing outtakes, writing off the picture as a joke. An Alien ripoff…” John Stanley, Creature Features



Biohazard went to 21st Century, where it was rarely seen again. It had a trailer made from the Prison Ship footage a minute’s worth of great spaceship stock shots from Corman’s Battle Beyond the Stars. It looked like a big-budget film but I could not get the financing together…” Fred Olen Ray, The New Poverty Row

new poverty row red olen ray

Buy The New Poverty Row book from Amazon.co.ukAmazon.com



IMDb | Fred Olen Ray Facebook | Image thanks: VHShitfest

House IV



House IV – also known as House IV: The Repossession and House 4 – is a 1992 direct-to-video comedy horror film. It was directed by Lewis Abernathy (DeepStar Six storyline), produced by Sean S. Cunningham (Friday the 13th) and Debbie Hayn-Cass and written by Geoff Miller and Deidre Higgins. Director Jim Wynorski co-contributed the storyline.

The film is the third and final entry in the House series consisting of House, House II and House IV. House III: The Horror Show was not a direct sequel, only being loosely connected to the other films through the sharing some of some crew members and the killer haunting a house premise. The film sees the return of Roger Cobb from the original House, but the film otherwise does not connect its storyline to the first film. Harry Manfredini provided the score.


Terri Treas, William Katt, Scott Burkholder, Denny Dillon, Melissa Clayton, Dabbs Greer, Ned Romero, Ned Bellamy. Kane Hodder (Jason Vorhees in several Friday the 13th films) was the stunt coordinator on the film.


Plot teaser:

Roger Cobb (William Katt) is now married to Kelly (Terri Treas), has a daughter, Laurel (Melissa Clayton), and lives in the old Cobb family house that is located on a deserted and desolate shoreline. Roger’s cynical step-brother Burke (Scott Burkholder) has been pestering him to sell the family mansion to some seedy Mafia real estate developers, without any success. Roger is soon killed in a car accident that leaves Laurel requiring a wheelchair, and Burke is unable to convince Kelly to sell the house.


Various supernatural events start occurring in the house, and after Kelly consults with a native American spiritual guide, she learns that the spirit of Roger and some Indians have been trying to warn Kelly that Roger’s tragic car accident was in fact cold-blooded murder and that Burke is trying to sell the land to the Mafia so that it can be used for the illegal dumping of toxic waste…



“Since the house both attacks and protects Kelly and Laurel, the themes of the film get mixed up into a mess of ideas about houses and protection of property and Indian curses, none of which really make sense when the film boils down. House IV is ultimately a disappointing conclusion to a series of successful horror comedies, a destitute house that should be condemned rather than displayed for open house.” Ryne Barber, HorrorNews.net


House IV is garbage, if you really can’t find something else to watch then you might find it’s clichéd cheesiness entertaining as it does at least have the feel of a low budget 80s horror movie which gives it something. It does have some very weird moments that may just be worth seeing but that don’t make them any good.” Games, Brrraaains & a Head-Banging Life



“Yep, that face underneath all that cheese is Friday the 13th and Hatchet actor Kane Hodder. I don’t know about a lot of people, but this scene down right scared me to death when I first saw it. What’s scarier than a pizza with a human face?! Trust me, you’ll never look at Pizza Hut the same way again…” Stay Still Reviews





Wikipedia | IMDb



Queen Crab



Queen Crab is a 2014 horror monster movie produced by Mark Polonia and written and directed by Brett Piper (They Bite!, The Screaming Dead, Drainiac!). It stars Michelle Simone Miller, Kathryn Metz, Rich Lounello, A.J. DeLucia, Steve Diasparra, Danielle Donahue, Ken Van Sant.

The movie was shot using a mix of stop motion animation and CGI. Wild Eye Releasing is releasing Queen Crab on DVD in the US in September 2015.


Plot teaser:

A meteor crashes into a quiet lake in the remote countryside, awakening a centuries-old beast. She emerges from the deep and tears through a nearby town and its inhabitants. The humans must fight for their lives and stop this Queen Crab before she can hatch an army of babies that will overrun the entire world…




IMDb | Related: Attack of the Crab Monsters | Guy N. SmithIsland Claws | Night of the Seagulls

3-Headed Shark Attack



‘More heads, more deads!’

3-Headed Shark Attack is a 2015 American action-horror movie produced by The Asylum and directed by Christopher Olen Ray (Mega Shark vs. Kolossus2-Headed Shark Attack and son of Fred Olen Ray) from a screenplay by Jacob Cooney and Bill Hanstock (Age of Tomorrow).



Danny Trejo (Dead in Tombstone; Volcano Zombies), Karrueche Tran, Jena Sims, Jaason Simmons (Sharknado), Rob Van Dam (World Wrestling Entertainment, Dawn Hamil, Kimberly Battista, Scott Thomas Reynolds, Carlos Javier Rivera.

The film is unleashed on DVD and VOD July 11th, 2015. It will also air on Syfy later that month as part of its 2015 ‘Sharknado Week’.


Plot teaser:

The world’s greatest killing machine is three times as deadly when a mutated shark threatens a cruise ship. As the shark eats its way from one end of the ship to the next, the passengers fight the deadly predator using anything they can find…




Wendigo aka Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo


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‘Hell has frozen over!!’

Wendigo is a 1988 American comedy horror film written and directed by Tom Chaney (cinematographer on Mosquito and Legion of the Night). It stars Ron Asheton (guitarist with The Stooges, also in The Carrier; Hellmaster and Mosquito), Lori Baker, Devlin Burton, John Bussard, Patrick Butler and Alan Madlane.


Ron Asheton is scared


The film was released on VHS by Troma Entertainment in 1996 with a cover retitle of Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo. Owing a large debt to Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead films with its mix of horror and comedy, the film features a torn Evil Dead II poster in much the same way The Evil Dead features a torn The Hills Have Eyes poster. It features stop-motion effects.

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Plot teaser:

Two friends go hunting on Manitou Island in Northern Michigan. While wandering the woods, they accidentally break a sacred circle, releasing a terrible monster: the Wendigo. The Wendigo goes on a terrible killing spree, leaving a gun-toting hero and his female love-interest to destroy the monster…


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“This movie is insane, and nothing I type here will do that insanity justice. Let’s start with the old man character, who is actually just some guy in an old man mask for no other reason than I guess there were no seniors willing to work in this mess? There’s killer monster puppets birthed from chili who attack while a theme song about chili plays on the soundtrack. A crazy dragon-bat that eats a pilot’s head through a plane window in mid-flight. A topless succubus woman ripped from the pages of a porno magazine who turns into a classic Raimi-style horror hag.” Digital Confederacy


” … it hardly even shows any technical finesse let alone creative promise. But as said before, such a lack of anything resembling filmic capabilities can result in an entertaining film, something that Frostbiter sometimes even approaches being – had it only not pumped up the fucking volume of its soundtrack. It seriously ruins what might have been a good – or at least decently passable – bad-film experience.” A Wasted LIfe



Wikipedia | IMDb

Evil Bong



‘Dude, its one scary trip!’

Evil Bong is a 2006 comedy horror film produced and directed by Charles Band (Crash!; Ooga Booga) from a screenplay by Domonic Muir [as August White], based on Band’s own story.

The ending features an extended cameo by Tommy Chong, of Cheech & Chong fame. Bill Moseley of The Devil’s Rejects also make appearances in the film. It has been followed by three sequels, Evil Bong 2: King BongEvil Bong 3D: The Wrath of Bong and Evil Bong 420, plus the crossover franchise film Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong.


Plot teaser:

Nerdy college student Alistair McDowell (David Weidoff) moves in with law school drop-out Larnell (John Patrick Jordan), typical “surfer-stoner” Bachman (Mitch Eakins) and former baseball player Brett (Brian Lloyd). During Alistair’s stay, Larnell sees an ad for a large bong, in which the previous owner claims it was “possessed”.


Later that night, Bachman wakes up in a strip club where he meets Ooga Booga and Ivan Burroughs. He’s introduced by one of the strippers (Kristen Cladwell) who has skull heads on the cups of her bra.


When he comes near the bra, the skull heads start biting him in the neck and he bleeds to death. The next morning, the other roommates find Bachman dead on the couch. Alistair tells to them that it’s probably from the weed that came with the bong…


” …if stupid-on-purpose moron comedies like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes or anything starring Pauly Shore trip your humor trigger, Evil Bong should be right up your alley. “Serious” horror-film fans can safely skip this one as the “horror” content is limited to a few gory bits when the boys run afoul of those flesh-eating stripper bras, and in some quick cameos by creatures/characters from other Full Moon features in the “Bong World” sequences.” Fat Freddy’s Cat


” …the film does have some funny moments, whether it be declarations about the journalistic integrity of High Times magazine or the hateful insults from a wheelchair bound old man directed at his slacker grandson. A lot of the humor has a sitcom feel to it. That could also be because the majority of the film is set in the living room of this one apartment (much like a sitcom)…” John Condit, Dread Central


“Of course the “special” effects are just the opposite, as practically inanimate puppets and props plague us for 90 minutes with little-to-no movement whatsoever. The entire thing happened inside the movie’s single set and I got real bored of this loser lair real quick. I may hate natural light and there being a world beyond my apartment, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like to be reminded of what it looks like from time-to-time.” The Tomb of Anubis

“Then there’s the bras. What’s scarier (and sexier) than cheap ass latex-looking skulls, sharks, and lips covering the nasty bits on the strippers that live in a club conveniently located right inside of a bong? Nothing, that’s what.” Kimmy Karnage, Horror Homework



  • David Weidoff as Alistair McDowell
  • John Patrick Jordan as Larnell
  • Mitch Eakins as Bachman
  • Brian Lloyd as Brett
  • Robin Sydney as Luann
  • Kristyn Green as Janet
  • Tommy Chong as Jimbo Leary
  • Michelle Mais as Eebee (voice)
  • Jacob Witkin as Cyril Cornwallis
  • Phil Fondacaro as Ivan Burroughs
  • Tim Thomerson as Jack Deth
  • Bill Moseley as Bong World Patron
  • Brandi Cunningham as Carla Brewster
  • Dana Danes as Bong World Dancer
  • Gina-Raye Carter as Bong World Dancer
  • Sonny Carl Davis as Delivery Man
  • Sylvester “Bear” Terkay as Bouncer
  • Dale Dymkoski as Male Dancer
  • Mae LaBorde as Rosemary Cornwallis
  • John Carl Buechler as Gingerdead Man (puppeteer/voice)



Wikipedia | IMDb

From Hell It Came



‘Frightmare! Born of Jungle Witchcraft! Created by a Curse!’

From Hell It Came is a 1957 American science fiction horror film directed by Dan Milner from a screenplay by Richard Bernstein, based on a story by producer Jack Milner.



Tod Andrews (Voodoo WomanCircle of Fear TV series; The Baby), Tina Carver (The Man Who Turned to Stone)Linda Watkins (The Munsters TV series; Bad Ronald), John McNamara (The Return of DraculaWar of the Colossal Beast), Gregg Palmer (The Creature Walks Among Us; Kolchak: The Night Stalker; Scream/The Outing), Robert Swan, Baynes Barron (Phantom of the Rue MorgueThe Strangler), Suzanne Ridgeway (The She-Creature).


The iconic Tabanga monster was designed by Paul Blaisdell (also known for his work on The She Creature, Invasion of the Saucer Men, Not of This Earth and It! The Terror from Beyond Space) but was manufactured by Don Post Studios. This was the second and last feature film to be produced by the Milner brothers (the other beingThe Phantom from 10,000 Leagues). It was released by Allied Artists.

Paul Blaisdell: “I designed the Tabanga the way I thought it should look in terms of the script, and the people that built it did a damn good job of reproducing a prop that was a nice concept and certainly an original one, but one that was very awkward. My hat goes off to the guy who had to act the part of the walking tree [Chester Haynes]. I think he did a helluva good job under the circumstances.”

Plot teaser:

Kimo, a South Seas island prince, is wrongly convicted of murder and executed by having a knife driven into his heart, the result of a plot by a witch doctor (the true murderer) who resented the prince’s friendly relations with American scientists stationed on a field laboratory on the island. The prince is buried in a hollow tree trunk and forgotten about until nuclear radiation reanimates him in the form of the “Tabanga”, a scowling tree stump. The monster escapes from the laboratory and kills several people, including the witch doctor, whom the Tabanga pushes down a hill to be impaled on his own crown of shark teeth…


“Many reviews of From Hell It Came, even those written by b-movie mavens, have been pretty harsh, and I’m not sure why. Of course it is a terrible movie, but you and I knew that going in, didn’t we? When watching this sort of movie I look for a preposterous story, crappy effects, poor acting, silly dialogue and, if all goes well, the result will include more than a little unintended humor. I can ask no more, and the Milner Brothers delivered.” B Movie Madness

“This incredibly awful, yet endearingly popular example of Bad Cinema bears some laughably wooden performances that rival the stiffness of the films walking radioactive tree trunk. The plot is inconsequential, even if the inherent racism is not. It’s Anglo ingenuity versus native superstitions in what has to be one of the worst pictures of all time.” Cool Ass Cinema


“It’s not the laughable monster, nor the absurd plot that is the downfall of this movie, though. After all, foam rubber monsters and outlandish stories are what great B-movies are made of. What really kills this film is it’s dragging pace and tedious dialog. Not even a racy shower scene with Tina Carver can invigorate the segments not featuring the Tabanga. Linda Watkins, in the comedy relief role of Mrs. Mae Kilgore, only manages to make the slow scenes more grating.” Exclamation Mark

“Once the Tabonga actually gets on its…er… feet… it seems to wander aimlessly, first from left to right, then from right to left, apparently happening on its victims at random. Sure, its a small island and all, but what should be a suspenseful quest for revenge becomes a tedious mosey for happenstance.” The Bad Movie Report

Choice dialogue:

“Why did I have to fall in love with a dedicated female scientist. She considers marriage some kind of prison.”

“Obviously locked doors mean nothing to the monster.”






  • Tod Andrews – Dr. William Arnold
  • Tina Carver – Dr. Terry Mason
  • Linda Watkins – Mrs. Mae Kilgore
  • John McNamara – Prof. Clark
  • Gregg Palmer – Kimo
  • Suzanne Ridgeway – Korey

Wikipedia | IMDb | Image thanks: B Movie Madness




Roboshark is a 2015 Bulgarian-Canadian sci-fi horror film directed by Jeffery Scott Lando [as Jefferey Lando] (Insecticidal; Goblin; Boogeyman; Ghostquake) from a screenplay co-written with Phillip J. Roth [as Phillip Roth] (Python; Deep Shock; Dark Waters).


Alexis Peterman, Matt Rippy, Nigel Barber, Vanessa Grasse, Isaac Haig, Laura Dale, Vlado Mihailov, Derek Morse, Kicker Robinson, Lorenzo Estebanez, Kitodar Todorov, Hristo Balabanov.

The film makes its debut on the American Syfy channel on July 23, 2015.


Plot teaser:

A great white shark swallows a UFO aircraft in the Pacific and turns into a robo/shark hybrid. The monster then terrorises Seattle…

Choice dialogue:

Rick: “Mutant shark? Honey, wasn’t that on Syfy last week?”

Sharksploitation on Horrorpedia: 2-Headed Shark Attack | 3-Headed Shark Attack | Atomic SharkAvalanche Sharks | Cruel Jaws | Ghost Shark | Ghost Shark 2: Urban JawsGreat White | Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy aka SharkManJaws | Jaws 2 | Jersey Shore Shark Attack | Jurassic Shark | Malibu Shark Attack | Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus | Mega Shark vs. Giant OctopusMega Shark vs. Kolossus Piranha Sharks | Psycho Shark | Raiders of the Lost Shark | RobosharkSand Sharks | Shark Attack 3: Megalodon | Shark ExorcistThe Shark is Still Working | Shark LakeShark Week | Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre | Sharknado | Sharknado 2: The Second OneSharknado 3: Oh Hell No! | Sharktopus | Sharktopus vs. MermantulaSharktopus vs. Pteracuda | Sky SharksSnow Shark | Super Shark | Swamp Shark | Zombie Shark

Zombie Shark (2015)



Zombie Shark is a 2015 American horror film directed by Misty Talley (editor of Ghost Shark; Haunted High; Arachnoquake) from a screenplay by Greg Mitchell (SnakeHead Swamp) for Active Entertainment.

This US film should not be confused with the 2013 Spanish production Tiburón Zombie – La pelíca, also known as Zombie Shark.

Plot teaser:

A perfect getaway for four friends turns into survival when they fight an experimental shark…


Becky Andrews, Ross Britz, Carter Burch, Leslie Castay, Laura Cayouette, Sloane Coe, Ladson Deyne, Jason London, Austin Naulty, James Ourso, Jeff Pearson, Caleb Spillyards, Cassie Steele, Roger J. Timber, Jaime Wallace



“The cast did a surprisingly good job, bringing as much credibility as they could to a film about a bunch of people being menaced by zombie sharks.  Jason London and Laura Cayouette (remember her as Leonardo DiCaprio’s odd sister in Django Unchained?) are both memorable as representatives of the establishment.  Cassie Steele and Sloane Coe were totally believable as sisters and brought so much commitment to their roles that the film’s ending was unexpectedly poignant.” Lisa Marie Bowman, Through the Shattered Lens


“Syfy movies aren’t exactly known for their high quality special effects, but Mega Shark vs. Kolossus now looks like a Michael Bay production by comparison. A rubber severed shark head puppet proves a more special effect than anything computer-generated. The digital sharks look unfinished, mostly 2D, and lazily inserted into the film. Fins frequently cut through the water without even leaving a wake. Worst of all, the sharks rarely even look zombie-like.” Foywonder, Dread Central


Filming locations:

Madisonville and Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Sharksploitation on Horrorpedia: 2-Headed Shark Attack | 3-Headed Shark Attack | Atomic SharkAvalanche Sharks | Cruel Jaws | Ghost Shark | Ghost Shark 2: Urban JawsGreat White | Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy aka SharkManJaws | Jaws 2 | Jersey Shore Shark Attack | Jurassic Shark | Malibu Shark Attack | Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus | Mega Shark vs. Giant OctopusMega Shark vs. Kolossus Piranha Sharks | Psycho Shark | Raiders of the Lost Shark | RobosharkSand Sharks | Shark Attack 3: Megalodon | Shark ExorcistThe Shark is Still Working | Shark LakeShark Week | Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre | Sharknado | Sharknado 2: The Second OneSharknado 3: Oh Hell No! | Sharktopus | Sharktopus vs. MermantulaSharktopus vs. Pteracuda | Sky SharksSnow Shark | Super Shark | Swamp Shark | Zombie Shark


A Nightmare on Elm Street – toaster and other merchandise mania


A Nightmare on Elm Street toaster is the latest – and perhaps oddest? – merchandise to be sold as a tie-in to the slasher series.

Press release:

“He terrorized your dreams while you slept…and now Freddy Krueger haunts your breakfast when you wake up!”

“But don’t worry — while the Springwood Slasher may have felt the burn, your bread and bagels will only endure the perfect amount of heat, toasting the shape of Freddy’s signature bladed glove into each slice.”

“UL-tested and approved, our collectible toaster includes illuminated function buttons for Cancel, Reheat, and Frozen. The Nightmare on Elm Street logo appears on its stylish, glossy black finish. Watch out – it’s the bastard toast of a thousand loafs!”

Other A Nightmare on Elm Street products include:


Buy 30th Anniversary 7″ action figure:             Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk


Buy candy holder: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk


Buy pet costume: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk


Buy Freddy voodoo doll: Amazon.com


Buy lunchbox: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk


Fright squirter: Amazon.com


Buy tombstone: Amazon.com


Buy trivia game: Amazon.com


Buy shot glasses: Amazon.com


Buy clip-on plush: Amazon.co.uk


Buy Miss Freddy costume: Amazon.co.uk


Buy backpack: Amazon.co.uk


Buy Freddy figure: Amazon.co.uk


Buy mug: Amazon.co.uk


Buy makeup kit: Amazon.co.uk


Buy plush doll: Amazon.co.uk


Buy magnetic notice board: Amazon.co.uk

Cheers to Jeff at Drinkin ‘n Drive-In for inspiring this toasty post.

Man with the Screaming Brain



Man with the Screaming Brain is a 2005 science fiction comedy horror film co-written, co-produced, directed by and starring Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead and sequels; Moontrap; Maniac Cop 2). It was Campbell’s feature film directorial debut. Dark Horse Comics published a comic book series based on the film.


Bruce Campbell, Stacy Keach (The Mountain of the Cannibal God; Roadgames; Ooga Booga), Tamara Gorski (Friday’s CurseTo Die For; Poltergeist: The Legacy), Tamara Gorski (Intruder; Candyman; Skinner), Antoinette Byron and Vladimir Kolev (Python 2; Copperhead; Shark in Venice).

Plot teaser:

Bruce Campbell plays William Cole, the wealthy CEO of a US drug company who travels to Bulgaria with his wife, Jackie (Antoinette Byron) in the hopes of diversifying his company’s financial interests. Cole is a stereotypical ugly American who constantly complains about the lack of Americanization of the former communist country. They’re driven to a hotel by a taxi driver, and former KGB agent, named Yegor Stragov (Vladimir Kolev)…



” … a comedy that doesn’t build, lacks structural integrity, and often falls flat. But it’s also winningly loopy, with bizarre incidental ideas and performance riffing making for a series of parts that almost make up for the faults of the whole. Larkish spirit of the enterprise is contagious.” Dennis Harvey, Variety

Tamara Gorski

Tamara Gorski

” … unintentional actual badness that could not be redeemed by the ham-handed stringing together of B-movie clichés: scary gypsies, former KGB agents, cheap foreign locations, girly catfights, transplanted brains, and Ted Raimi in full-on dork mode. It’s so cluelessly dumb that it manages to make the genuinely Eastern European actors in the cast sound like they’re putting on fakey accents. This movie — how you say? — it suck.” Maryann Johanson, Flick Filosopher


“The story is pretty ridiculous from start to finish, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing since the film doesn’t take itself seriously at all.” Johnny Butane, Dread Central



Man with the Screaming Brain 3 CVR B


  • Bruce Campbell as William Cole
  • Tamara Gorski as Tatoya
  • Ted Raimi as Pavel
  • Antoinette Byron as Jackie Cole
  • Stacy Keach as Dr. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
  • Vladimir Kolev as Yegor Stragov
  • Valentine Glasbeily as Uri
  • Velizar Binev as Mayor
  • Raicho Vasilev as Bartender
  • Jonas Talkington as Larry
  • Mihail Elanov as Punk 1
  • Neda Sokolovska as Waitress
  • Remington Franklin as Bar Punk

Wikipedia | IMDb

It Came from Hollywood



It Came from Hollywood is a 1982 comedy film compiling clips from a plethora of B movies. Written by Dana Olsen (WackoThe ‘Burbs); Tales from the Cryptkeeper: ‘Hide and Go Shriek’) and directed by Malcolm Leo and Andrew Solt, the film features wraparound segments and narration by several popular American comedians, including Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Gilda Radner, and Cheech and Chong.


Despite being just a compilation of old movie clips, with comedy linking sequences of dubious merit, the film took a surprising $2,573,342 at the US box office.


Sections of It Came from Hollywood focus on themes such as gorilla pictures, anti-marijuana films, brain movies and the works of Ed Wood. Michael and Harry Medved are listed as consultants and this compilation seems to have been inspired by their sneering at B movies humour – featured in books such as The Golden Turkey Awards – and later co-opted by The Mystery Science Theatre 3000 team.

The Best of the Worst DVD Collection

Buy The Best of the Worst 12 Horror on DVD from Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com


“The hosts are all right in their introductory segments; Radner has a great moment barricading her door against gorillas, and Aykroyd turns up in Glen (or Glenda’s) white angora sweater. But the movie makes the annoying decision to let the hosts speak during the scenes from the bad movies, one-upping the original footage with wiseguy comments that should be left for the paying audience to make.” RogerEbert.com


“Sure, there’s kind of a sneering hipness to the comedy, a smug, let’s-laff-at-the-squares mindset that you’ll find in any revival-house screening of Reefer Madness. But ICFH manages to overcome its superiority complex, chiefly through a long Ed Wood career retrospective that proves you can admire the troubled filmmaker’s moxie while simultaneously laughing at the finished product. Also, Dan Aykroyd proves he can walk the walk in an angora sweater and Maidenform bra.” Dave Merrill, Compone Flicks

“Anyway, it’s a clip show, pretty well edited and possibly the slickest of the 80s bunch of them! (Only Terror in the Aisles gives it a run there!) The inclusion of good movies is off-putting whatever the motive, and whatever the psycho-emotional dangers of not doing so! And, the natural charms of their enactors notwithstanding, those sketches are a heavy debit!” Ha Ha, It’s Burl!


Films featured:

Sunny Side Up (1929)
Maniac aka Sex Maniac (1934)
Wonder Bar (1934)
The Lost City (1935)
Reefer Madness (1936)
Marihuana (1936)
Perils of Nyoka (1942)
Isle of Forgotten Sins (1943)
Musical Movieland (1944)
The Monster and the Ape (1945)
The White Gorilla (1945)
Blonde Savage (1947)
Street Corner (1948)
Daughter of the Jungle (1949)
The Flying Saucer (1950)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952)
Glen or Glenda (1953)

Robot Monster (1953)

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)
The War of the Worlds (1953)

creature from black lagoon
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)

bride of the monster tor johnson attacks bela lugosi
Bride of the Monster (1955)
The Violent Years (1956)
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)

Fire Maidens from Outer Space (1956)
Runaway Daughters (1956)
Shake, Rattle & Rock! (1956)
Don’t Knock the Rock (1956)
Rock Baby: Rock It (1957)

The Brain from Planet Arous (1957)

The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
Dragstrip Girl (1957)

deadly mantis 1957
The Deadly Mantis (1957)

The Giant Claw (1957)

Beginning of the End (1957)

cyclops 1957 bert gordon
The Cyclops (1957)

From Hell It Came (1957)
The Amazing Colossal Man (1957)

I was a teenage frankenstein
I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957)
Teenage Monster (1958)
The Bride and the Beast (1958)
The Cool and the Crazy (1958)
Attack of the Puppet People (1958)
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958)
High School Confidential! (1958)
High School Hellcats (1958)
The Space Children (1958)

Fiend Without a Face (1958)

The Fly (1958)

curse of the faceless man 1958 horror film
Curse of the Faceless Man (1958)
The Party Crashers (1958)
The Blob (1958)

I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)

23286 - Frankenstein's Daughter
Frankenstein’s Daughter (1958)
Monster from Green Hell (1958)
The Trollenberg Terror (1958)

Missile to the Moon (1958)
The Hideous Sun Demon (1959)
Battle in Outer Space (1959)
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Prince of Space (1959)

Teenagers from Outer Space (1959)
The Killer Shrews (1959)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)
The Tingler (1959)
First Man Into Space (1959)
The Loves of Hercules (1960)

The Hypnotic Eye (1960)
Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961)

Reptilicus (1961)
Rocket Attack, U.S.A. (1961)
Married Too Young (1962)

brain that wouldn't die
The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (1962)
Matango (1963)

The Slime People (1963)
Evil Brain from Outer Space (1964)
The Creeping Terror (1964)
Atomic Rulers (1964)

The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies (1964)

The Horror of Party Beach (1964)

duel of the space monsters
Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster (1965)
Bat Men of Africa (1966)
Mars Needs Women (1967)
The Weird World of LSD (1967)
The X from Outer Space (1967)

Yongary, Monster from the Deep (1967)
Son of Godzilla (1967)

Octaman-1971-ecological horror
Octaman (1971)
The Thing with Two Heads (1972)
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1973)
Black Belt Jones (1974)

A*P*E vs cow
A*P*E (1976)

The Incredible Melting Man (1977)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978)

Wikipedia | IMDb

The Zombie King aka King of the Dead



The Zombie King – aka King of the Dead  is a 2012 British horror comedy film directed by Aidan Belizaire from a screenplay by actor George McCluskey (Jacob’s Hammer; Knight of the Dead), based on a story by Jennifer Chippindale and Rebecca-Clare Evans.

The film stars Edward Furlong (Brainscan; Arachnoquake) and Corey Feldman (Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter; Bordello of Blood), George McCluskey, David McClelland, Michael Gamarano (Backslasher). The film’s initial title was apparently Ed Wallace and the Z Team.


Having received several international releases, the film is being released on DVD in the UK on October 26, 2015 by High Fliers Films.

Plot teaser:

Samuel Peters (Edward Furlong), once an ordinary man, dabbles in the laws of voodoo to bring his wife back from the grave. He soon encounters the god of malevolence, Kalfu (Corey Feldman), and makes a pact with him to destroy the underworld and bring chaos to earth. In return, he will become the Zombie King and walk the earth for eternity with his late wife.


But as the growing horde of zombies begins to wipe out a countryside town, the government creates a perimeter around the town and employs a shoot-on-sight policy. Trapped within the town, the locals, an unlikely bunch of misfits, must fight for their lives and unite in order to survive…

POSTER The Zombie King 2012 V7



POSTER The Zombie King (Japanese)


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