Hobgoblins is a 1988 American comedy horror film directed by directed, written, and produced by Rick Sloane, who also served as cinematographer and editor. Kenneth J. Hall (director of The Halfway House and Evil Spawn) fabricated the hobgoblins.
The plot concerns small, hobgoblins (demon like mythical creatures) although they do not appear until 29 minutes into the film.
Often seen as a rip-off of Gremlins, the film is generally considered to be of exceptionally poor quality, and has come to be regarded as one of the worst films ever made.
The film had a low profile until director Rick Sloane submitted it to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 team. MST3K writer Paul Chaplin later commented: “It shoots right to the top of the list of the worst movies we’ve ever done.” The ensuing negative publicity led Sloane to produce Hobgoblins 2, a self-mocking sequel in 2009.
On October 24, 2016, Vinegar Syndrome released the film on Blu-ray, with the following bonus features:
Scanned, restored & preserved in 2k from 35mm original camera negative
Archival commentary track with director Rick Sloane
Hobgoblins Revisited: brand new making-of featurette
Brand new interview with hobgoblin creature fabricator, Kenneth J. Hall
Hobgoblins: The Making of a Disasterpiece: featurette
Hobgoblins Invade Comic-Con: featurette
Reversible cover artwork
English SDH Subtitles
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Kevin just got hired to be the assistant night watchman at an old film vault. Warned to stay out of one mysterious chamber, the rookie guard can’t help but satisfy his curiosity and unwittingly unleashes a group of hobgoblins: furry aliens who grant people wishes only to kill them in the process.
As the body count starts to rise, Kevin, with the help of his friends, decide to track down the deadly creatures before they wreak havoc on the city…
“It’s in the absolute cellar as far as production values and filmmaking competence are concerned, but the acting, creature effects and attempts at comedy are so atrocious that it never once gets boring. There’s so much surreal anti-humor, from the extended garden tool fight scene to the hobgoblins themselves, completely unarticulated puppets that need to be held against the characters…” Jim Vorel, Paste magazine
“There’s nothing charming about writer/director Rick Sloane’s oily failure, no sense of glorious insanity that accompanies the most charming flops, no feel of outlandish camp that comes with an over-the-top bomb. What we have instead is a loathsome, ugly, and downright dumb stab at comedy, a sort of Ghoulies reimagined by someone who doesn’t have a single clue as to what he’s doing.” David Cornelius, DVD Talk
“Hobgoblins is a movie that I had immense pleasure in watching. If you can stomach unknown actors who are not that good, bad effects, and dumb comedy that is so stupid that it makes you laugh, it is a movie that you will likely enjoy as well. It clearly takes its inspiration from the movies that preceded it, but it does enough with the material to set it apart from the pack.” Jesse, HorrorNews.net
Buy (English audio option): Amazon.co.uk
Cast and characters:
- Tom Bartlett as Kevin
- Paige Sullivan as Amy
- Steven Boggs as Kyle
- Kelley Palmer as Daphne
- Billy Frank as Nick
- Tamara Clatterbuck as Fantazia
- Duane Whitaker as Roadrash
- Jeffrey Culver as McCreedy
- Kevin Kildow as Dennis
- Kari French as Pixie
- Daran Norris as Club Scum M.C
- James Mayberry as Sergeant Parker
- Ken Abraham as Thug
- Don Barrett as Comstock
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