‘A cinematic masterpiece – if you’re high!’
Evil Bong High-5 – aka Evil Bong High-5! – is a 2016 American comedy horror fantasy film directed by Charles Band from a screenplay by Kent Roudebush, based on Band’s storyline.
The Full Moon Features production was partly financed by an online IndieGoGo campaign and released on April 20, 2016.
Main cast:
Sonny Carl Davis (Evil Bong 420; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series; Butcher Boys), Robin Sydney (Killjoy’s Psycho Circus; Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong; The Haunted Casino), Amy Paffrath (Hauntsville; The Purge: Anarchy; Zombies Vs. Strippers), John Patrick Jordan (Stan Against Evil; Evil Bong and sequels; The Wailer), Chance A. Rearden (Ooga Booga), Mindy Robinson, Rorie Moon, Jacob Witkin, Jonathan Katz, David DeCoteau [as himself], David Del Valle [as himself].
Learning from her previous mistakes, EeBee the Evil Bong is back and she’s stoner… er… stronger than ever. With Larnell, Sarah Leigh, Rabbit, Velicity and a lobotomized Gingerdead Man trapped in her dastardly web of weed, The Bong World, for good, she once more sets about her plan of world domination.
This time, one toke at a time. EeBee has outsmarted everybody who has outsmarted her. There’s no way out for our hesher heroes, so she teleports them to insane locations, where they enlist a bevy of baked soldiers (Ooga Booga, Killjoy and tons of surprises), to sell her magic ganja in a bid for guerilla weedfare. It’s up to our dopes to figure out Eebee’s new rules and stop her before humanity goes up in smoke…
“This time we actually get a story that follows the cast doing something more than smoking pot. It was fun and broke up the monotony of the original films. Finally, the fifth installment is no different than the others and offer up no blood and gore. Just pot, pot, and more pot with a large amount of humor tossed in. Overall, Evil Bong: High-5 is another great installment in a series meant for laughs.” Blacktooth, Horror Society
” … the tricking of stoners to smoke from the bong and then be transported away to another world and be killed was at least more along the lines of what Full Moon usually does with horror. This has just become a comedy now. It is more a less a teen stoner comedy without the teens. This has to have some audience out there or they’d not have made five of them and from the looks of the ending, six is coming as well. I just don’t know who the crowd is unless it is the stoner or teens demographic.” Chuck Conry, Zombies Don’t Run
“Sadly there is nothing redeeming about this film, its not a horror film its a sad attempt at appealing to the lowest common denominator, stoners. With terrible effects and writing from a company that used to pride itself on great effects, puppetry and using its low budget to do its best work … When you reach the point where even the worst stuff from Troma is good in comparison to your company’s best director’s recent works you have to stop.” Cody Rapp, IMDb